Our Wisconsin damage appraisal Services

We realize your customers are very valuable. We also realize when an accident occurs, it's most likely the low point of your customer's year. Our goal is to help your customer through this difficult time with our experience and complete understanding of the insurance process. From our initial contact with the customer, to the physical inspection of the vehicle, to the complete repair of the vehicle, and finally the delivery of the fully repaired vehicle, we are with your customer every step of the way. Wisconsin damage appraisersDuring the inspection, we educate the customer on important issues such as, how long will the repair take, will a rental car be provided, what phone calls should they expect, where will the repair check be sent. We provide them with the piece of mind that they are insured with a high quality Insurance Company and that everything will be back to normal as soon as possible.


  1. We acknowledge receipt of every new assignment via fax, email, or phone call.
  2. We attempt to contact customer within the first 24 hours of receipt. A contact attempt is made once a day until we complete the assignment. If no contact can be made within those 24 hours, we will status the file. This status will contain an explanation of the delay and a detailed attempted call log.
  3. Once contact has been established and an appointment has been set, we meet with the customer and complete the physical inspection. In most cases, the estimate is prepared on site and uploaded with our digital photos and service invoice. In many cases, we offer a same day turnaround on assignments. When volume permits, we will have two appraisers in one vehicle. Each vehicle is fully equipped with Internet capabilities. As one appraiser's drives to the next appointment, the second appraisers is completing the estimate, securing an agreed repair price with the "shop of choice" and uploading the completed work product to the client. With this system, we can inspect and complete more assignments in a timelier manor for our clients.
  4. If supplemental damage is found while the vehicle is being repaired at a shop, that shop contacts us directly with the detailed "supplement handling information" printed on the last page of each of our estimates. Once contacted, we will determine if the vehicle needs a second physical inspection or if the supplement can be authorized with digital photos and parts invoices.

    When the repair is complete, we secure all of the supplemental damage parts invoices and supporting photos. We complete the supplement in our estimating program and issue a copy to the shop. Finally, the completed supplement is submitted to our Insurance Client with detailed payment instructions and an explanation of the supplemental damage.

    All supplements are "Free of Charge". This is a part of our job and included in our Flat Rate Pricing. Moreover, all supplements are completed within 24 hours of receipt.


Each Insurance company has its own guidelines regarding recycled and aftermarket parts on an estimate for repairs. CDA meets with new and potential clients. We secure a copy of their policies and procedures and prepare the estimate in accordance to their predetermined guidelines.

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